My squamous cell cancer is represented by the color purple. That color now represents to me people who love and give and support without end. It is a most beautiful color.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Happy Times!
This is a picture of me on March 6th and I am very very happy. I am happy in this picture because of the opportunity I had to go to Idaho and share the baptism of two of my grandchildren, Eden and Jack. Today, March 22, I am also very very happy.
I had an appointment with one of my doctors today. He performed a biopsy on the tumor about two weeks ago. I went today for results. The results were negative, meaning that they found no cancer cells in the tumor. I didn't show much emotion with the doctor there - I just asked him questions. I was told so far - so good. I will continue to be monitored every 3 months or so by him and by the oncologist and by the radiologist. Not sure how long it actually takes before they can say the words "cancer free", but for now, I will take this!
After the doctor left, I even surprised myself at the emotion that I felt. Even though I don't think I am stressed, I must be or why else would I break down all by myself in the examining room? It was a wonderful opportunity for a heartfelt prayer of thanksgiving however, and I took full advantage of it. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father saw fit to answer my prayers in the way that I was hoping for. I know He always answers prayers. Sometimes though, the answer is "No" or "Not Yet".
I have a husband that I love. I have children that I love and they all bring me much joy. I have the most perfect daughter/sons in law that I love too. I have 15 grandchildren that I adore and they delight me. I enjoy my job. And I even love our dog. I love my house. I am content and smile a lot. I have good friends. I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and His church in my life. As Louis Armstrong would say, "What a Wonderful World!"
YEAH!!!! i think that's the best news i've heard in long time!!!!
congrats! That is awesome news!
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