For the last 3 1/2 months, things have been anything but "normal" or "ordinary" for me. I was diagnosed on September 24th with a squamous cell cancer. I had my first of two chemo treatments and first of 31 radiation treatments both on October 15th. I continued to work for a while, but began a medical leave of absence on November 13th. I am so pleased to report that some assemblance to normalcy returns to my life tomorrow, January 11th. Finally, after 8 weeks of being on a medical leave, I am returning to work! I am both pleased and nervous at the same time. Pleased to be with some mighty wonderful people again who gave me strength, encouraged and helped me along this journey every single step of the way. Pleased to be back at a job that I have always enjoyed. Nervous to know that I have to be in an upright position for eight hours straight.....but confident that I can do it, none the less.Normal, in that I usually get to go to Boise, Idaho about twice a year to see 3 daughters, 3 sons in-law, and seven sweet grandchildren. I was due to go in October for my second visit of 2009 but couldn't due to treatment schedules. In the meantime, a new little grandaughter was born and so finally, in January, I was able to see them all and meet the newest little one! Now that there are eight grandchildren so far away.....well, there ought to be a law! All of my family has been so supportive, including the Idaho bunch, as witnessed by my greeting party at the airport.
Other normal things are being able to attend and be active at church again. There are so many many wonderful people there who have supported me and helped me along this rocky road. The comfort and knowledge that we have a loving Savior took so much worry and burden from me. There are friends of friends, and friends of bloggers and friends of friends of friends who have also prayed for and supported me. There are some mighty wonderful and generous people out there, aren't there?We didn't get to attend as many H20 Polo games as I would have liked, but it was wonderful to be able to attend the H20 Polo Banquet. I guess this could be classified as a "normal" thing to do, but for a while yet, doing something "normal" will be pretty special to me.
I know I'm not out of the woods yet. Lots of tests still to be taken to see what the status of the cancer is, but I figure that since I am feeling so much better than I was in September something good must have happened.All I have to offer to everyone is a most inadequate THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I have learned that normal and ordinary are two very wonderful blessings to have in one's life.
And by the way, does anyone know how to submit someone for sainthood? Please let me know if you do. My sweet husband Dave is certainly worthy to be a saint. He did everything that was asked of him and then anything he could think of in addition. He knew when things were the toughest and I was at my lowest, and his strength and encouragement pulled me up and out every single time.